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Trust God in your trials

I think we have all wondered when we were going through difficult times, "Why is this happening to me?" It is not unusual or unnatural to think this way. These are the times that our faith in the Lord is put to the test.

Hated by his brothers, sold as a slave, lied about by his master’s wife, put into prison, and forgotten about by those he had helped, Joseph had every reason to question why all of this was happening to him. As you read the story of Joseph, you see something quite different. Joseph seems to maintain an unusual trust in God throughout all of his trials. How could he do that?

I think there are two major factors that helped Joseph stay fresh in a weary land. First, I see he kept a right attitude, and second, which is even more important, he continued to trust God. He had the right attitude when his father sent him to go and see if it was well with his brothers who were tending the sheep in Hebron. He had the right attitude when he was serving Potiphar, and God blessed him for it. Joseph had the right attitude in prison and was trusted with the keeping of all the other prisoners. He had the right attitude when his brothers stood before him after his father had died. His words to them show his attitude and his trust in God. In Genesis 50:20-21, Joseph says: "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them."

I encourage you today to keep a good attitude and to trust God in your trials. You have a choice about your attitude. Choose to trust God, even when you cannot see what He is doing. What you may be going through might not be good, but God can work it out for your good and His glory. Make up your mind and heart to trust God in your trials and thank Him in advance for what He is going to do through it.

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