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“Thoughts to make the new school year great"

We are now at the time that the new school year begins, so I thought that I would share some ideas on how to help strengthen your soul and get this new school year started in a great way. They are not original with me. Some years ago I read an article by Dale Foster that highlighted these ideas. I would like to share them with you today.

First, there are some things that should be forgotten. We need to forget our failures, disappointments, worries, pain, loss, and especially our resentments of the past. Don't hold them against yourself or others.

Second, when problems come we need to face them head on. We don't need to run away from, resent, or fear problems. God sends problems our way not to make us bitter, but to make us better. Sometimes, problems are disguised opportunities. Face your problems with faith and courage.

Third, Let your attitude soar and rise above your circumstances. Realize that there are some things you cannot change. Fred Smith aptly said, "If I can't do something about a problem, it is not my problem, it is a fact of life”. You cannot change your past. You cannot change everyone around you. The one thing you can change is your attitude. Our attitude determines how we handle everything that comes our way. You have a choice, so choose wisely.

Fourth, take things on one day at a time. Don't worry, especially about the future. Worry doesn't honor God. It will drain you. Ian Maclaren said it this way, “What does your anxiety do? It does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but it empties today of its strength. It does not make you escape the evil - it makes you unfit to cope with it if it comes”. Don't procrastinate either. Procrastination takes value out of tomorrow as well as today. Don't put off until tomorrow what should be done today. Live today to its fullest and enjoy it. Each moment of each day you are making memories for tomorrow. Make good ones. You can get the most out of today if you really want to.

Fifth, make generosity a significant part of your life. Generosity is against the world's way of doing things. The major philosophy of today is to "look out for number one”. Generosity is rewarded by God. God is able to make all grace abound toward you. God loves a cheerful giver.

Sixth, don't let your Christian life become a duty. Doing things out of duty makes them become joyless. If we do what we do out of duty and not out of love, we will miss the joy. The Christian life is a joyful privilege. Let's not downgrade it to a duty. Live your life so that your joy might be full.

Seventh, learn to relax in this stress-filled world. When we are too stressed, it takes a toll on our well-being. Relaxation is one of the keys to good health. God wants to cultivate an inner quietness in our lives.

Eighth, and last, rely upon God for the future. Let's remember that God is the One who supplies strength for us to carry our load. He is the One who supplies the wisdom that we need to solve our problems. He is the One who supplies the grace that we need to endure every one of life's experiences, so rely upon Him.

At the beginning of this new school year, I encourage you to take a good look at these thoughts to make this new school year great. Think on them, and let God use them in your life to strengthen your soul.

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